In collaboration with Iranian Phytopathological Society

Document Type : Agricultural Entomology



In this study the fauna of mutillid wasps in Sorkhe-h Hesar area (Tehran) was studied. The taxonomical studies were supplemented whit the material deposited in the Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum (Tehran, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection) In total 806 specimens were examined, among them 306 specimens were identified including 18 species belongs to 2 subfamilies and 13 genera, as follows: Dentilla dichroa (Sichel and Radoszkowski, 1869), Dentilla sabulosa (Skorikov, 1935), Dentilla zarudnyi (Lelej, 1985), Ephutomma angustata (Skorikov, 1935), Macromyrme sinuata (Olivier, 1811), Mutilla erschoffii (Sichel and Radoszkowski, 1870), Myrmylla caucasia (Kolentti, 1846), Nemka pondicherensis(Sichel and Radoszkowski, 1870), Skorikovia elongate (Radoszkowski, 1885), Smicromyrme standfussorum (Lelej, 2004), Tropidotilla litoralis (Petagna, 1787), Trogaspidia sp., Trogaspidia tobiasi (Lelej, 2004), Tropidotilla semirufa (Andre, 1893), Vanhartenidia dives (Smith, 1855). Three species including Artiotilla afghanica (Suarez, 1979), Dentilla ursine (Nagy, 1972) and Physetopoda deserta (Lelej, 1984) are recorded for the first time from Iran.


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