In collaboration with Iranian Phytopathological Society

Document Type : Pest Management



Chemical control measurements are the only control methods used against codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) in Iran. In this respect, it is of primary importance to determine the effects of the routinely applied insecticides on the other organisms in the orchards. Some experiments have been carried out on 8 following chemicals: Stamipride, lufenoron, Indoxicarp (two dosage), phosalon, Azinphosmethyl, Phenproparthin, Hexaflomoron and Calypso in Taleghan region of Tehran province. In this region, Codling moth has two generations annually. First spray against codling moth coincides with the flight and oviposition of Ermine moth (Hponomeuta malinellos) in apple orchards. To determine the overall effect of the insecticides on these two pests, we have considered the number of ooplacqus of Ermine moth laid on the twigs along with the estimation of the number of infested apples by codling moth. In addition, we tried to find out the relation, if any, of various insecticides with the occurrence of rust on the fruits. The results obtained, showed significant differences between the insecticides regarding the above mentioned goals.There was also significant differences in the density of ooplacqus on the twigs and also the number of first instar larva under each ooplacq at the (α=1%). As regards the occurrence of russeting, Biobaca, Stamipride and Azinphosmethyl, had produced significantly more russeting than the other chemical compounds
