In collaboration with Iranian Phytopathological Society

Document Type : Weed Science



Ground cherry (Physalis divaricata) is a summer-annual broadleaf species that has become a problematic weed in summer crops (common bean, soybean, sugarbeet, …) grown in the Lorestan province. Little is known about the effects of environmental factors on ground cherry seed germination. Studies were conducted at the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Lorestan to determine the effects of environmental factors on germination of Ground cherry. Ground cherry seeds germinated over a range of 14.8 to 45.9˚C, with optimum germination (>70%) occurring at 24.3-36.4˚C. Compared to control treatment (distilled water) ground cherry seed treatment with sulfuric acid by concentration of 20, 30, 40 and 50 percent caused significant increase of seed germination. In all level of potassium nitrate concentrations seed germination significantly increased compared to distilled water treatment. Increasing mucilage concentration above 30% dramatically decresed the Ground cherry seed germination. Mean seed germination of ground cherry in presence of mucilage at 30% concentration was 43%, while decreased to 10% and 2% as the mucilage concentration increased to 40 and 50 percent respectively. The time to 50% germination were prolonged as mucilage concentration increased.
