In collaboration with Iranian Phytopathological Society

Document Type : Plant Pathology


1 PhD. Student, Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture Sciences and Food Industries , Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran

2 Scientific member of Iranain Research Institute of Plant Protection

3 Department of Plant Protection College of Agricultural Sciences and Food Industries Science and Research Branch Islamic Azad University Tehran, Iran


Crown and root rot are important diseases of different small-grain cereals, especially wheat and barley which are caused by soil-borne fungi Fusarium culmorum and F. pseudograminearum. For controlling such diseases, application of fungicides is inadequate, and cause hazardous effects for environment and living organisms. As an alternative strategy, screening of resistant wheat genotypes has been emphasised in the recent studies. This research was conducted to evaluate level of resistance of 66 cultivars/advanced lines of bread wheat and durum wheat to F. culmorum and F. pseudograminearum isolates in greenhouse and field conditions. These experiments were conducted based on completely randomized design with seven replications in greenhouse and randomized complete block design with 4 replications in field condition. The results showed that, 12 genotypes including C61 (C-87-18) and C62 (C-87-11), C38 (F06659G6-1), C43 (POLOVCHANKA/PEHLIVAN), C52 (McCormick/Trego), C37 (F06580G2-1), C35 (Prostor), C54 (VA01W-205/TX99D4628), C50 (GA951079-3-5/Neuse), C58 (Burbot-6), C53 (AWD99*5725/FL9547) and C34 (Gelibolu) were moderately resistant to F. culmorum and F. pseudograminearum isolates. These genotypes have potential to be incorporated into wheat breeding programs.


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