In collaboration with Iranian Phytopathological Society

Document Type : Plant Pathology




Infection of potato seed tubers by Rhizoctonia solani sclerotia or black scurf is one of the most important diseases in the guideline of potato seed national health standard. In this study, the roles of seed- and soil-borne inoculums on shoot number, canker incidence (CI) and canker severity (CS) were investigated in the greenhouse condition. First, seed tubers with six different levels of R. solani sclerotia coverage were planted in the three soil treatments including: disinfected soil, non-disinfected soil and non-disinfected soil + inoculum. Accordingly, the effects of soil treatment were analyzed on each tuber infection level. To scrutinize this significant interaction, the effect of soil treatments were further analyzed on tuber infection level. The highest CS was observed in "non-disinfected soil+inoculum treament and seed tubers with more than 15% sclerotia coverage. The lowest CS was observed in seed tubers with zero or <1% and 1-5% sclerotia coverage. The highest CI was observed in the treatment of non-disinfected soil + inoculum+ seed tubers with more than 15% sclerotia coverage. Overall, in all soil treatments the tubers with more than 5% sclerotia coverage level, resulted in 70-100% production of infected stems and increased disease severity up to at least 30%. According to these results, it is recommended to plant sclerotia free seed tubers, but in the case of black scurf infection on seed tubers, this infection should not be more than 5%.


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