In collaboration with Iranian Phytopathological Society

Document Type : Agricultural Entomology


1 Agricultural, Research, Education and Extension (AREEO), Deputy of Rice Research Institute ), of Iran (RRII), Amol

2 Department of Agronomy & Breeding, Rice Research Institute of Iran- Branch Mazandaran, Agricultural, Research, Education and Extention (AREEO)

3 Department of Plant Protection, Rice Research Institute of Iran- Branch Mazandaran, Agricultural, Research, Education and Extention (AREEO)



To determine the density of overwintering larvae (OL) and the algorithm of striped stem borer (SSB) population changes in single/double cropping under traditional and mechanized methods, several traits including the number of alive (AL) and dead larvae in the center and margin of the field were assessed at six periods. The number of egg mass (EMN) was also measured in the nurseries of single/double cropping systems. Results indicated that AL in the 1st sampling (2.5) was higher than the last one (0.9) in the center part of the field than the margin (P<0.01). In double cropping of rice, AL decreased in the center of the field while in the margin of the field highly increased. In nurseries, EMN was higher (2.35) in the double cropping compared with that in the single cropping (0.75) (P<0.01). We also found that EMN in traditional nursey (1.9) was higher than that in the mechanized one (1.21) (P<0.01). Hence, the last sampling time demonstrated that larvae pereferred highly the rice plants grown at the margins of the field. Accordingly, there was a declining trend for the transitional larvae population at field as well as a drastically declining trend at the nursery in both cropping systems. Therefore, the two mentioned cropping systems of rice won’t affect the population of (OL) at the next season rice crop.


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