In collaboration with Iranian Phytopathological Society

Document Type : Agricultural Entomology


-Associate Prof., Rice Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht Iran.


Rice striped stem bore has been considered as a dangerous pest in the country's rice fields for nearly fifty years. This research was conducted to determine the effective daily temperature, the effect of environmental factors on the biology of the pest and the number of pest generations. The results of this study showed that the average total effective temperature for the rice striper over four years was about 822 degree-days. The average of the total temperatures required for the life stages of the rice stem borer to separate the eggs, larvae, pupae and adult insects were in the range of 70, 551, 104 and 92 degree days respectively. Also if the adult insect receives a temperature of more than 90 degree-days, it has the ability to enter the egg stage. One of the most important climatic elements in the life of the striped stem borer pest for adult insects was the temperature between 22 and 32 degrees Celsius and sunny hours, relative humidity and temperature for egg clusters, for larvae, temperature and relative humidity related to the stem. The investigations of this research showed that the rice stem borer pest completes its life cycle in the second generation, similar to the first generation, by receiving the total temperatures of more than 823 days and is transferred to the third generation. According to the resuls of this study, the striped stem borer pest has two and half generations in Guilan conditions.


Main Subjects

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